Acupuncture A typical treatment consists of a short evaluation of your symptoms, followed by 30-45 minutes of relaxation while the acupuncture needles are inserted and left to rest.
Allergy Elimination Allergy Elimination is done through the use of vials, desensitizing a patient to whichever allergens they are most sensitive to. This can be done separately, or in conjunction with an acupuncture treatment.
Cupping Therapy Cupping is the placement of plastic or glass, sterilized cups on specific regions of the body. These cups are suctioned to the body and either left still, or moved around to different problem regions through a process called "sliding cupping". Cupping is used to loosen muscles and encourage blood flow to specific areas of concern in the body. Cupping is done in conjunction with an acupuncture treatment, if previously discussed with your acupuncturist. Cupping in conjunction with an acupuncture treatment is done at no additional charge.
Herbal Consultation Both of our acupuncturists have had extensive training in Chinese Herbal Medicine. After a short consultation, the acupuncturist will be able to recommend an herbal regimen. Herbal consultations typically require a 4 week follow-up consultation to re-evaluation the herbal regimen. An herbal consultation is included in your initial acupuncture treatment at no additional charge.
30 minutes consultation - $30
Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy is the strategic placement of heated medicinal mud packs on the body to help alleviate muscle tightness and spasms. Hydrotherapy can be done separately, or in conjunction with an acupuncture treatment.
60-minute session- $45 With other service - $10
Payment is expected at the time of service and you are responsible for paying for the services you receive. We accept cash, checks, and Visa, Discover and Mastercard. We will be happy to provide you with a detailed receipt for your records.
Currently our service fees are not covered by most insurance companies; however acupuncture treatment is considered a qualifying medical expense under Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and Health Saving Account (HSA) plans. Please contact your health insurance company for details.
Missed Appointment Charge - $25 Returned Check Fee - $40